#06 Avoid mouthwash: dental world’s biggest scam. Protect oral health, skip the rinse.

Who would have thought that something as simple as a mouthwash could be causing more harm than good? It’s like finding out your tooth fairy is actually a dental grinch! Mouthwash, the supposed savior of fresh breath, is actually killing off your oral microbiota and doing more harm than good. But don’t worry, you don’t have to say goodbye to fresh breath just yet.

There are alternative options that are kinder to your oral health. It’s like breaking up with a toxic relationship and finding true love. So, if you’re ready for a change, ditch the mouthwash and find a new love – your oral health will thank you for it. And who knows, with a healthy oral microbiota, your breath might smell even fresher than before. It’s a win-win situation!
