Liаm Nееѕоn and Nаtаѕhа Riсhаrdѕоn had a son they named Micheál, and as his parents are both actors, it wasn’t such a surprise for them when their son decided to walk the same road. Despite Liam discouraging him to continue his pursuit, what his father only did was heighten the degree of his desire to take on the challenge that comes with it. And so Micheál persevered and managed to get roles all without his parents’ help.

We are sad though about how Natasha Richardson is no longer around to witness many more of her son’s performance, but we’re sure Liam got his sons back no matter what. Micheal Richardson has joined his father on the 2019 film Cold Pursuit and again in the August 2020 film called Made in Italy. The film shares some parallelism with their lives, especially when it comes to Natasha Richardson’s passing. He has used the surname Richardson to pay tribute to his late mom.
