Fans will probably remember Richard Beymer in the classic movies West Side Story, The Diary of Anne Frank, and the television series Twin Peaks (both in the original version and the revival). After doing Sadie’s Waltz in 2008, he then focused on directing documentaries, like The Passing of a Saint, It’s a Beautiful World, Richard Beymer is Before¡­ the Big Bang, I Had Bad Milk in Dehradun, and Behind the Red Curtain.

He is not just an actor and director but an award-winning one after his movie, The Innerview, which he directed, produced, wrote, and edited, received the prestigious Josef von Sternberg Award at the Mannheim-Heidelberg International Film festival in 1974. Aside from film credits, Richard also self-published his first book, Impostor: Or Whatever Happened to Richard Beymer? in 2007. At this rate, the incredibly talented actor has not only gained millions in net worth but a gazillion more fans as well.
